2nd Trimester


I didnt have any specific advice for you re: the nursey set you posted but I am also seriously on a budget and wanted to tell you about freecycle.org.

I've already gotten some clothes, a strap n go graco stroller, and a fisher price cradle swing on there (a pnp too but it was not in good condition).

Also, I have seen extremely similar changing tables to the one you posted on CraigsList for $20. It might be worth it, this is somewhat my plan, to get one from CL and invest in the crib.

The other thing to consider: are you planning on crib sleeping right away? I plan to have baby in our room for a while (will hopefully be able to EBF) and so we may not even get a crib at all. Use a bassinet/cosleeper/rocknplay/packnplay and either save up for a crib eventually, find one on sale or transition eventually from pnp to toddler mattress on floor. Cribs are ridiculously expensive. :/

Just some food for thought but either way, definitely be checking out freecycle and CL!

HTH! :-)

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