3rd Trimester

just back from appointment: surprise BREECH and bad news.

My first LO was breech and a c-section because she was breech.  We tried everything to get her to turn (head stands, lots of pool time, you name it: we tried it). I wanted natural birth, but the c-section went great and I was so thankful!

Just got back from an appointment with my new, fantastic midwives (switched practices last month), but had a semi-sad appointment. 

I may not get to work with the midwives at all because our second delightful daughter is following in the footsteps of her older sister: LO #2 is BREECH!

Currently the OB's at the new practice are discussing whether they'll attempt an "aversion" on me, which is a procedure to manually turn the baby from the outside. This type of procedure does not have a high success rate, and is known for being quite painful (some say as painful as labor), but is better than doing nothing.
They would not attempt one at my old practice with my first LO because of a fibroid growth I have on the outside of my uterus which is about the size of a golf ball. But the new place is a teaching hospital so has a few more experts on staff, and just may be willing to do it.

If they do attempt one...
 - Best case scenario: the baby turns, and then we discuss the possibility of induction at 39 weeks. Induction stresses the body more than a naturally started labor, and so is undesirable on women like me who have had previous c-sections. But depending on the situation they like to start labor when they know the head is down, rather than giving the baby time to turn wrong way again.
 - Worse case scenario: the aversion procedure causes fetal distress and they do a c-section right then and there. Unlikely, but a possibility.

And one more downside: the positioning of the baby currently (diagonal, with her spine to my spine), is unfavorable to c-section delivery. So they may have to cut me vertically AND horizontally.

I'll know more later today when they call me to discuss what they've decided regarding the "aversion".
If it's a go we may attempt as early as tomorrow (!!) or as late as Tuesday.
Trying not to freak out.  :(  !!!


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