3rd Trimester

Lessening of movement ...

I don't remember whether or not DD#1 started moving less as I got closer to the due date. I was induced at 39 weeks, so I have no idea what it is like to go into labor naturally. DD#2 has been way more active than I ever remember #1 being. I mean all day long and even waking me up at night with a kick to the ribs while tickling near my hip bones. I'm already at zero station with her (I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow), and 70% effaced. As of Monday, I hadn't started dilating, but I've felt a change in the past couple of days where I feel like her head is going to slip out (if only it were that easy) everytime I get up. This is the same feeling I got when I started dilating with #1 at 35 weeks. My question is ... for second time moms, when you went into labor, did LO start moving less? DD#2, who is normally doing her floor or uneven bar routines all day long, has been lazy the past couple of days. She still moves around, but nothing like she used to. Any thoughts???

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