3rd Trimester

How much say do you actually have with OB in L&D?

I'm with a new OB this time around, and to be honest I don't feel completely comfortable with him. I'm pretty on top of knowing when things are medically necessary, so I'm pretty opinionated about what happens to me. I know that everyone says you can tell your doc no or that you ultimately have the choice, but to what extent? I mean if you are 40 weeks 2 days and the doc wants to induce, can you just say no? Or, what if you go into L&D in natural labor and right away they want to start you on Pit. Can you say no? What if after pushing for 2 1/2 hrs you can't do it anymore and you want a C/S because you are worried about a big baby or distress from all the pushing and the doc says no? How much are you really in control of what happens to you?  
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