2nd Trimester

Cardiologist Appointment last night--vent

I have to see a cardiologist during my pregnancy because I am prone to skipped beats..I was diagnosed with PVC's but the last time around the cardiologist saw nothing on my echo or halter monitor. He was recommended by my OB who loves him..I on the other hand have a different opinion. He told me last time that I was "so paranoid".when I asked a simple question..

.This time around I went in with no questions as I'm feeling fine and he said everything looks good and I can see him in April unless something changes..But I posted earlier this week about failing the GD 1 hour and I have to go for the three hour now..He said "Well, you have diabetes in your family so"...Then commented, "You really have to change your eating habits, work out, lose this weight".I was overweight when I got pregnant which I didn't want to have happen but it is what it is..I am the heaviest I've ever been but I used to be between 130-145 a couple of years ago so I know I can get there..I know he isn't aware of that but I just don't like his attitude..My plan is to get back in shape after the baby and btw I have only gained 14 lbs and I'm 6 months... Sorry he just annoys me--even told me the swelling of my legs would "get worse"..Gee thanks for the positive words doc! My OB is not this hard on me..He has worked with my OB for years so I don't want to change doctors at this point but after the pregnancy I'm finding a new cardiologist..Thanks for listening..

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