2nd Trimester

Hello 2nd Trimester, so nice to finally see you:)

Hi ladies!  Although I really mostly just lurked on 1rst trimester, I wanted to intro. on here.  I mostly post on my BMB and PGAL.  I'm so happy to finally be officially in the 2nd trimester.  Also this past week I noticed my pants seriously could not be buttoned comfortably anymore, so I went out and got a be band from Target and I've been way more comfortable!  I'm a FTM, so I am excited about every little thing:) 
TTC since July 2010 BFP#1~5/8/11~~EDD 1/18/12~Natural M/C Confirmed 6/1/11 BFP#2~12/2/11 ~EDD 8/13/12~It's a girl!~Emma Grace born 8/12/12 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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