
XP: Feb 2012: Birth Story! 2/7/2012

Brody George was born on 2/7 at 7:13 A.M. - 8lbs 2 oz & 19.5 in long!We had the PERFECT C experience! I could not ask for the unexpected turn in birth go any better. We found out the day before my due date we were going to schedule a c. I had not expected this & it was a windwirl but the OB schedule it for 5 days past by due date (2/7 at 7 A.M.). You would assume those six days were going to be incredibly tough waiting, but really they were the easiest 6 days of the past couple weeks. We were able to relax knowing the plan (although I wasn't thrilled about the plan). DS was born within 15 minutes of the sheet being put up. He never left my site until 24 hours after his birth for his circumcision, we went skin to skin while they were sowing me up & we started nursing within 5 minutes of getting to recovery! It was truly an amazing experience! Good Luck to all momma's who haven't had their LO yet! Remember if things don't go your way doesn't mean they will be bad!! And thank you for the support of the mommas who have been though it and gave wonderful advice! 
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