
About the amount of help needed post c/s

My OB doesn't like to schedule until a little closer to the due date, but for simplicity's sake, let's say my c/s will be on a Wednesday.

H would take off work Wed, Thurs, Fri, weekend, Mon, Tues, and return to work the following Wednesday. My mom (lives out of state) would come up for Wed-Fri while he's back at work. H would be home on the weekend. I would then be on my own for the following work week, which would be about 12 days post c/s. 

Am I being unreasonable in thinking I'll be fine at 12 days post-op at home alone with a newborn? I know there is the chance I still won't be driving, but my MIL lives about 30 minutes away and would be available to take us to appointments, drop off meals, run errands, etc.

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