Single Parents

Attempt #2 at trying to get STBEXH to sign the agreement

My lawyer and I sent STBEXH a draft divorce agreement last fall and he sent back a letter basically saying 1. he does not want the divorce and 2. a whole list of what HE thought should be in the divorce agreement.  He is clearly off his rocker if he thought that a judge would give someone who was in jail at the time joint custody of our daughter as well as a whole bunch of other stuff. 

So now that he has been sentenced and is in State Prison I'm hoping he might be a little more reasonable (but I'm not counting on it).  This agreement has a few changes to it, some are in his favor (like written and telephone communication) and some are not in his favor.

I'm really, really, really hoping he signs it but I will not hold my breath.  If he doesn't sign then our pretrial divorce hearing is in September 2012 (UGH!).  We have already been seperated for a year.

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