2nd Trimester

Measuring 4 weeks ahead! Oy vey!!

So, I thought I'd post a little update since it feels like I haven't talked to most of you in FOR-EV-ER (My new puppy chewed through our computer's charger cord and I haven't been able to get online at home).

I had an appointment Tuesday and I was a little bit worried. From the beginning, my doc told me to try to only gain about 20lbs because I started overweight and it would decrease my risk of GD. At the previous appt, I had gained 9lbs since my last and I haven't exactly been watching what I eat.

My blood pressure checked out, I gained 4lbs (1lb per week), no swelling, bleeding, etc. Overall it was a great appointment. Then, my doc used the old school method of measuring inches from the top of your ute to your pelvic bone and said I was measuring 29 weeks. Indifferent Looks like this may be a little porker!!

I also get to see her again at a follow-up ultrasound on February 28, which I wasn't expecting so I'm SUPER stoked!!!!!

I hope you are all doing well and I'll check in more often when I get my new charger that I ordered on eBay Wink

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