2nd Trimester

So frustrated right now! (vent, sorry long)

Hi ladies,

Just need to vent a little. At the end of December I was fired from my full time job that I started on November 1st. When I started, I didn't know that I was pregnant. Once I found out I told my boss immediately. My bosses response was pretty much "I wish I had know this when I hired you." So, obviously he was not thrilled to say the least. Also, when I was hired he told me he wanted me to give up my part time job (I work at VS on the weekends).  I told him I did, but I really didn't. Anyway...shortly after I told him I was pregnant, my MS kicked in. Which made me late for work by 15mins. Anyway long story short I was fired December 6th because I was pregnant and he felt "it would be best if I went back to my part time job" and for me to call them AFTER I have my baby. He paid me for the ENTIRE month of December. So, directly after the new year I filed for unemployment.

About 3 weeks ago I returned to VS working 5 days about 20 hours. But since retail sucks (I'm on part time, as most of the associates are except the managers and bra specialist), I worked my first week, 3 days and then wasn't scheduled for the past 2 weeks. I'm working 2 days next week.

Today I got my first phone call from unemployment which was pretty much the basic "do you still work at VS?" "are you part time or full time?" Blah blah blah. So the lady explains that I am able to collect, but I will be collecting from VS since I'm collecting from 2010 INTO 2011. Which excludes the job I was fired from! Very frustrated about that.  Apparently I have another call tomorrow to find out why I was terminated from the full time job, so hopefully I'll get more of an explanation because I want to collect from the full time job, not the part time! 

I ended up talking to DH after, and he was pretty much like well "I guess you should just open your availability at VS so you can get more hours." Which isn't exactly true, because a lot of girls just aren't getting scheduled and they have open availability. So it's not a guarantee. Then DH suggested looking for another job. Whose going to hire me at almost 20 weeks?! For 10 maybe 12 weeks?!

Am I being to hormonal? What would you ladies do in this situation? TIA! 


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