Upstate NY Babies

Tax refund

If you are getting a refund, what are you doing with the money?  Anything exciting?

We're paying back MIL money that she let us borrow for oil 2 years ago (better late than never right??).  We're also putting money aside to get oil in the fall.  I paid off my medical bill from having Audrey. 

And we're getting new countertops!!!!  I am so excited!  We decided on quartz and it comes with a "free" stainless steel undermount sink and we'll buy a new faucet, too.  They are coming to do the template sometime next week.  I'll have to post before and after pics when it's done.  I cannot wait!  We got new cabinets over 2 years ago now so this is long overdue.

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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