2nd Trimester

need some advice...

Hey there folks,

18 weeks here and having a slight mental breakdown ;)
My fiancee and I are both in the military, and both currently posted to the same base. Currently, that is... in April or sooner he is going to be going away for training in Ontario for at least a year - while I'll still be posted here in Hali.

I was planning on going home to Sk. to have the baby, since he will be gone anyways, but over the holidays my mum was diagnosed with cancer... so it looks like that option is now out of the window as well.

My brother is trying to convince me to pack up and follow my fiancee - he doesn't understand how the military works - and my mother in law wants me to go up to Newfoundland [where his family is] to have the baby.

Either way, I will be living in a strange city and not with my family.

 Can anyone help me out? I just don't know if I should stay in Hali, go home, go to Newfoundland, or try to follow the fiancee... sigh

Due on July 12, 2012!!! BabyFruit Ticker
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