Upstate NY Babies

Childcare WWYD?

So next month I have a big work event in Lake Placid from a Wed-Sun. I told my boss that I CANNOT be away from LO for that long (I am still nursing, and quite frankly, I dont WANT to be away from LO for that long), and so I asked if I could upgrade my hotel room to a suite, and hire someone to watch LO while I am working.

He said Yes!

Thats the good part. Now, onto the bad. I dont think I have anyone to come with me to watch LO.... DHs stepmom might be going to England, and SILs cant take time off from work. I am running out of ideas and options. So here are my thoughts - what do you all think:

1. Check in with my old cheerleader who is a freshman in college and will be on spring break that week to see if she wants to watch LO for me. Pros: Its someone I know/trust. 2. Cons: I dont know how comfortable she is watching an infant.

2. See if I can find a daycare in Placid that will take LO - Pros - licensed facility. Cons: I need someone to watch LO in evenings on Thursday/Friday/most of the day Saturday.

3. Try to find a nanny on Pros: could be local to Lake Placid so I wont have to pay for meals. Cons: I dont know this person/trust issues.

Any other ideas??!?!?!  

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