2nd Trimester

Low Lying Placenta at 20 weeks?

Has anyone been told at their 20 week a/s ultrasound that they have a low lying placenta?  If so, did your placenta correct itself and move up as you progressed through pregnancy?  The doctor told me that my placenta is sitting close to the border of my cervix and that he doesn't see it as a problem.  He said the placenta typically "corrects itself" and moves up to where it belongs as the pregnancy progresses and as the uterus grows.  He said worst case, I'll need a c-sec.  He said it is 'marginal'.  He scheduled me for a follow up appointment in 6 weeks to check on the position of the placenta.  I hope & pray it moves up during that time.  I have to admit, I am a little worried.  Not about the c-section but about my placenta being so low. I am a FTM so I don't know what to expect.  I should've asked the doc more questions at the time but I wasn't really thinking clearly at the time nor did I understand exactly what it meant. So, of course I came home and googled it (bad idea). Can anyone shed some light and tell me if their placenta moved up later in pregnancy and everything turned out to be fine?  I just need some reassurance... please don't share anything if it would scare me.  lol.  Thanks. 

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