Upstate NY Babies

If you drink soy/almond/coconut milk...

What is your reason?  Are you allergic?  Are you changing your diet for BFing?  Maybe you just like it better than regluar milk?

I grew up drinking milk with every dinner, no questions.  I went dairy free for a couple of weeks with Audrey to see if she was allergic (she wasn't) and I was drinking low fat vanilla soy milk.  I really liked it.  DH & I rarely drink milk anymore so I only buy whole milk for Stella.  If DH wants a glass he will have that.  I'm going to start buying soy or almond milk to make smoothies at home so that's what sparked by curiosity.

Is soy milk (or almond milk) "better" for you than cow's milk?

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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