2nd Trimester

baby may have just saved my life!!!

so before i got married and prego i hadnt had insurance for awhile. My last pap was in 2009 ( i know terrible). I got married in 2010, moved, started nursing school, and a million other things kept me away from making that gyno appt. Well, as you all know pap's are standard with the first OB appt. About a week after my first appt in early Jan. I got a letter in the mail saying i had an abnormal pap, and that just to err on the side of caution they wanted to perform a coloscopy. The letter told me not to be alarmed, and talking to several friends made me feel better too. So i go to my appt yesterday and I just feel like i got punched in the gut. The doc tells me that they found severe dysplasia in my cervix. I had to sign a waiver about them performing the coloscopy and the nurse who had me sign it says " In all my years Ive never seen a dr do a biopsy on a pregnant woman" Well guess what? While the Dr was doing the procedure with the scope he finds a "questionable" area and decides he needs to do a biopsy. I think i literally started hyperventilating and was just shaking so bad. He then goes on to talk about getting results (benign or malignant) in a week and started discussing treatments if it turns out to be cancer!!!  I cant even remember what he was saying because i was in shock. You cant get any treatments done while preggo so i would start about 6 weeks after baby is born. I came home and did some research. So saying my life is saved is a bit drastic because cervical cancer progresses very slowly and catching it so soon is going to make all the difference. But still, its scary as hell, and makes me think if i hadn't got pregnant and got the mandatory pap and had just kept putting off getting it, might it have become a more serious situation? I just feel like its one more reason I love my baby more than anything:)
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