Single Parents

BD Vent!!

So a couple days ago I posted about my sons father having his 3rd baby. Well tonight he decides to scream and yell at me because I told him I found out about her being pregnant on her FB.( I dont understand why it matter anyways the dumb bimbo has it plastered all over. I dont lie so I told him the truth) Now the only reason I even go on her FB is because I want to make sure she doesnt have any pictures of my son up ( I know even if she does theres probably nothing i could do about it but its still the point) Honestly I think this is maybe the 2nd time I even looked. Anyways he tells me that I need to find a hobby other then "stalking" his "girl's" FB. And what they do is their business. So me being the smarta$$ that I am told him that I do have a hobby its called being a mom. He seriously tells me that being a mom is a "responsibility" not a hobby. I wanted to tell him to take his own advice and take responsibility for his son. And all I even said to him was Oh I heard your girlfriend was pregnant. Congrats! AND THATS IT!!! Oh and that he can't stand liars. Yea me either buddy thats why we arn't together anymore. I swear even when I try to be civil/nice with him I'm somehow the f**king bad guy.

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