2nd Trimester

team girl- not so much team "pink"

We are STOKED to find out we are having a little girl. - but I am not a fan of pastels and pastel pink.

I understand she is a girl- completely avoiding pink is impossible. Her room is orange, red, white and a LITTLE hot pink.

We have already gotten a couple things that look like a pink monster threw up on them. Of course, I politely said thank you- but they are things I will be returning.

We told my family to avoid obnoxious amounts of pink and they "get it". His family- ehhhhhh.

Is anyone else in this boat?

 I am having the darndest time finding her clothes- so when I find something I like i buy it in every size :)

DISCLAIMER- if you like lots of pink and pastels- Awesome. I like it on other little girls. It is just NMS, or his for that matter.

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