2nd Trimester

Old Wives tale- Needle over the belly

So.. I am just a do it for fun kind of girl and a girl at my work REALLy has been begging me to do the needle over the belly test. She swears by it.

So, I finally said ok since I am finding out on Friday. BUT.. I first made her do it for a girl in our clinic who is pregnant and they know the sex..

Circle if it's a girl- back and forth if it's a boy. She did it for the other coworker and sure enough it immediately did a girl..

So- I thought she would rig the test- because she kept saying she thinks it's a girl.. so she did it- back and forth- boy.. she didn't beleive it- so she did it again... back and forth boy again..

I just did the baking soda test- Fizz= boy.

So weird. I don't really put much weight into these but I think it's interesting.  

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