
Percocet question (looking back to 10 months ago)

Hi, All,

I'm just wondering if anyone else gets depressed from narcotics or has gotten depressed while on narcotics in the past. My LO is now 10 months old, but when I think back to the first six weeks, I feel awful. (I mean, I think I'm at peace with it, but if I ever have another baby, I want to try for things to go better.)

I honestly think what seemed like PPD was how I react to narcotics. I was on vicodin for a surgery before and remember just crying all day, every day... Did anyone feel like this on percocet after their c-section?

I don't know if I'll have another LO; if I do, it will be a few years from now, but lately I've been wondering if it wasn't the narcotics coupled with just giving birth, hormones, etc., that made my first six weeks post-partum such a rough time.

Thanks for anything you share!

Liam playing with worn out drumsticks while waiting for a gig to start.
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