2nd Trimester

Dissapointed in sibling plans NOT to see me & baby

So I just chatted with my sister who informs me that there is some random three day music festival in TN near nashville the week after my due date. She has been talking all along about how much she wants to be here for me when I give birth and the week or so afterwards to meet her new niece and see me and spend time here ( I live in Seattle, she and the rest of my fam live near Toronto, Canada = 4.5 hr flight). A big deal was made about her taking time off from work to come out here for just a week after.

Anyway so she tells me that she plans to now cut off her time here because she would rather join all the fun of flying back from here to Toronto, then her and my brother (who so far when asked about ever visiting me - I've lived out here for 2 years, and this is the first baby for the family - has said oh no its too expensive, I can't get time off even for a long weekend) are all going to drive down to this festival together, where tickets cost a fair amount, plus cost of gas, food and lodging = the same amount it would cost for them to come out here where I have offered them food and lodging for free.

So all I said was fine, a little dissapointing, but sure go to your concerts, all I ask is you just stay an extra day here and show up to the festival midway through the first of the 4 days its on, so that you get the most time here. And she says I'm overreacting and its not fair because they've talked about going to this since end of last summer. Oh ya? last summer like when I told you I was pregnant? Great, glad priorities are straight here.

Is it just me or would this dissapoint/upset you if it were your siblings (who are very close btw, we have been there for each other through everything, and I just hoped that they would want to be a part of this just as much). Sigh

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