3rd Trimester

Question about anterior placenta and baby movement --- a little worried!

Ok, so I was told by my doctor that I probably won't feel the baby move as much as I would if my placenta was posterior. I do feel her move--maybe about 5 times a day, but the movements are so subtle.

I'm starting to get worried though.  I keep hearing other moms say that the kicks and jabs from baby sometimes are painful and take their breath away!  I have never experienced anything like this!

I will be 29 weeks tomorrow and already had three ultrasounds due to some other issue that they thought was going on, but now baby is ok.  I'll be having my fourth ultrasound next month because they told me that she was measuring on the "big" side -- at 27 weeks she was measuring 3 pounds!  I tested negative for gestational diabetes, so with a baby that large--wouldn't you think I should feel some strong kicks and jabs?

Have any of you ladies had or have an anterior placenta and haven't felt much movement even into the third trimester??  

Just looking for some reassurance and to see that I'm not the only one going through this.  Thanks for listening!!  :o)

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