2nd Trimester

so, i fell down the basement stairs...

Yeah, stupid me. I made it about halfway down and must have just slipped because next thing I know I'm falling. I tried to turn to land on my side instead of my stomach and in the process hit my head off of the concrete wall at the end of the stairs. Ouch. Of course, my husband was on afternoon turn shift, so I was alone with my DS (who thankfully I had just put to bed before this happened, so he didn't see anything). I managed to crawl back up the stairs on my hands and knees and called my husband then my OB. I ended up at the hospital overnight to be monitored and have bloodwork taken. Fun fact: they take the bloodwork to see if the baby's blood has mixed with my blood and that's how they know if there is internal damage.

Thank God everything turned out alright and my bloodwork came back negative. Now I'm just left with some good ol' headaches and a sore right side. So, here is my PSA to all my pregnant friends, please be careful on stairs, especially if you are like me and like the fuzzy/aloe infused socks in place of slippers. I know I'll be wearing slippers with some tread on them from now on when I go up and down the steps.  

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