2nd Trimester

Please help .. overwhelmed with a very serious family situation. Need advice.

My father has always been my rock. He is amazing, strong, hardworking man and he has always put his family first to take care of us. 

Recently my father's business has started to fail, and this combinded with the health and the financial obligations of my grandmother have caused him to become severly depressed. Last night I recieved a phone call from my sister alerting me to the face that she believes he will try and hurt himself. I tried talking to him about this a few weeks ago, and while I have been aware of his depression I was unaware that he might be at the point of sucide.

He is a very proud man, and wont accept help. I am at a total loss .. and strongly fear he might take his own life. I have spoken to my mom, my sisters, and family that we are close with and no one knows what to do. As the oldest child and the person closest to him, I feel this falls on me to come up with a plan.

I need to know from those of you who have dealt with this before .. what should I do?  

On a side note, I am so emotionally overloaded by this, that I fear this could hurt my baby because I am so upset,stressed and worked about this for weeks. I know that stress is very dangerous when pregnant - and I just dont know how to take care of myself during this time, while also helping my dad.  

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