Single Parents

Would you do this for a friend?

So this girl and I were extremely close 2 years ago. Turns out she was in a fight with all her girlfriends and that's why she spent all of her free time with me. Once she made up with them I didn't hear from her for months. I have seen her just a handful of times in the past 2 years. I HAD considered us very good friends until she disappeared.

Now she is getting married in August, I am due in June. She just sent me an email asking me to be her "personal assistant" on her wedding day. She said she wants me to be a part of her wedding but her bridal party is just too big to have me as a bridesmaid. She has 4 bridesmaids.....which to me isn't THAT big but okay, she's the bride, I get it. I had her as a bridesmaid and I had 8 of them.

The thing is, I don't really feel like a "special" part of her day when all I'm doing is running her errands and as she put it "preventing her from getting too stressed out". I'm totally perplexed on how I would do it with a toddler and a newborn as a single mother. Obviously I'd have to find a babysitter for the day but then my children wouldn't be attending the wedding as I'd be busy being her helper.

The more I think about it the more I don't want to do it but I almost feel obligated since I had her in my bridal party. Even the thought of attending a wedding while going through a divorce makes me a bit depressed.

Would you suck it up and do it or should I just pass? I really don't want her hurt or offended if I decline.


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