Upstate NY Babies

Washing blankets

How do you deal with washing large blankets?

We have guests coming, and it is time anyway, to basically get all our blankets washed.  I can wash some of them at home, like DD's full size comforter, but the other stuff I usually bring to a laundromat and do it myself.

However, I don't feel like I have the patience for going to the laundromat with 2 kids for however long it takes.  Is there somewhere I can have them washed?  Dry cleaner?  Are there laundromats that wash/dry/fold for you?

My only reservation is that I have a preference about laundry detergent, I don't want anything scented and I only use natural detergents.  My 2 year old will break out in a rash/eczema if we use anything different, and I don't want those chemicals on my skin either.  So if laundromats do it, I could have them use my detergent?

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