2nd Trimester

Could I get a PAPAYA please.....

Or a spaghetti squash...whichever you prefer...fruit or veggie! Either way I'm movin' on up!! ::cue The Jeffersons Theme Song:: Stick out tongue So happy today even though the morning started out really rough. I have a Dr. Appt. today for just a routine check-up, and I'm sure we will talk about the GD test since it is getting onto that time. Plus I'm going to ask if they plan to do another u/s since at my a/s they were a bit uncomfortable with how close my placenta was to my cervix opening. They said it would move but that they might want to schedule another one just to be sure that it is out of the way. The nursery is nearly done. DH hung the shelves last night so I was finally able to put the picture frames and little animals out, and I finished some wall hangings this past weekend. I can't wait to show you girls the finished product!

So how about it ladies...how are we all progressing through the produce department this week? How are you all liking the babies movements? Any nursery progress or theme choices out there! Love you ladies and I hope you all have a great day!! :)

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