3rd Trimester

Registry purchase question - WWYD?

DH and I had two showers, and got a bunch of great gifts (both registry gifts and ones we didn't register for.) There were a few things on our registry that we felt like were absolute necessities for us to have ready before the baby was born, so obviously we planned to buy those things ourselves if we didn't receive them as gifts.

I'm due in two weeks, so we went ahead and purchased most of the things we didn't get as gifts but that we wanted to have ready for the baby's arrival, with the exception of one. On our registry, we had a carseat cover. We live in a cold climate, so we feel like this is important to have with us when we go to the hospital. Someone purchased it off of our registry three weeks ago (before both of our showers), but... we haven't gotten it yet! Obviously, we don't know who purchased it. I'm assuming that it was someone who couldn't make it to one of the showers, but it's not like there's any polite way of asking around to see if someone bought a gift they haven't given to us. I'd really like to get the carseat in the car and have the cover on it sooner rather than later in case I go early. So what would you do? Buy another one of the same carseat cover and then return the one purchased as a gift if/when we get it, or just wait and hope someone gives it to us before the baby is born?

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