3rd Trimester

When the Heck is my DD??

I posted awhile back about the nurse telling me a different due date than what I had in mind. At first I was just so happy that I was 2 weeks closer to having a full term baby (since I have been on bedrest due to preterm labor possibilities) but after letting it sink in, I have a few concerns.

Well, the due date I was going with was March 11. That's the date that was determined by the ultrasound. Then at my 34 week appointment my nurse said something about being 36 weeks. I was just so happy to be almost full term that I didn't ask all the questions I should have.

 I had it explained to me, and they said when the EDD from the last missed period or whatever is within one or two weeks of the EDD from the ultrasound, they go with the last missed period one (which is Feb 28th). I have said repetedly that my period was somewhat irregular, and I didn't remember exactly when my missed period was (but they seem to trust my memory way more than I do).

So now I'm scared that my due date is off, and I'm not as far along as I thought I was. It's really important to me because everyday closer to my due date, I consider an accomplishment. My next appointment is supposed to be Thursday, but my dad's cousin (and best friend) passed away and all of my family will be 2hrs away at his visitation, so I won't have a ride (not supposed to be doing much since I'm on bed rest). So I'm trying to get my appt moved to tomorrow when my mom can take me (DH is still workin) and I want to ask for a growth ultrasound, maybe that will help better determine when I'm due.

But here's a huge and embarassing confession (embarassing for me anyway)...DH and I do not have jobs that provide insurance, so DS1 and I are on medicaide (the state provided insurance thing). so i'm not sure if I can even get this "extra" ultrasound. I've only had ONE u/s throughout my entire pregnancy and I really really want another just to check on everything and definitely to help determine my due date.

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