3rd Trimester

talk to me about hemorrhoids

I think I got hemorrhoids after delivery with first LO but they resolved without bothering me.  This pregnancy I have had hemorrhoids for awhile but if didn't wipe hard didn't bother me.  I don't know what changed in the last day or two but it has become very uncomfortable to sit and walk.  I have an appt Monday and plan on asking the doctor about it.  I am having a csection so hoping they get better quickly after delivery but am I doomed for the next 8 weeks or is this just a little flare up and they will go back to not bugging me just existing minding their own business? What can I do about it?  I have read drink water, eat fiber rich foods, soak in warm water, use ice packs, etc just haven't actually put any methods into effect yet...
~Mel~ Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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