3rd Trimester


First of all, I was 29 weeks on Friday. (I am in normal, healthy condition, and have gained 22 pounds so far)

I went to the doctor for a normal checkup on Friday.... knowing I was having some contractions or Braxton Hicks going on. After being hooked up to a monitor in the office for almost 30 minutes, I had two tests to check my water (discharge) and a sonogram to check my cervix. (Still 3.8cm and water has NOT broken.)

 I was having A LOT of contractions that were spontaneous and random. Some 2-3 minutes apart... some 7, 12, 9 minutes apart. Etc. I was having up to 12 contractions an hour!

 After all that I was sent to labor & delivery in the hospital (next to my doc's office). They started me on an IV and I remained there for 5 hours!! (I was not dehydrated, as they originally thought.) They ended up giving me a pill called PROCARDIA to slow down my contractions.

 They said I am not in preterm labor. And did a test that confirms I will not have the baby within the next 2 weeks. Baby is not if jeopardy and baby's heart rate is not a problem while the contractions occur. 

My doc said I can have 4 contractions an hour, and that is okay. I was told that I have an "Aggravated Uterus!" I have never even heard of this!! ...and these symptoms could remain until I give birth.

I was instructed to go home and "relax" for a few days. No lifting, no sex, no exercise, no being on my feet for too long, and restricted driving. I haven't gone to work this week and have been resting on the couch (researching Cord Blood info!) and only getting up to eat and pee. And to get more WATER!

I am having about 2 contractions an hour in the morning and by nighttime I am having about 4-5 contractions an hour. I have a followup appointment on Friday. My doctor said she might want to put me on Procardia around the clock (every 6-8 hours) if these contractions do not slow down.

Has anyone else had this?! What were some suggestions/instructions you were given to stop the contractions? Can I eat or drink anything to stop them? Any advice would be really helpful! I do NOT want to have this baby so early... and I also prefer not to take medications that could potentially hurt baby either.

Thanks for reading this long mess! 

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