3rd Trimester

XP: RH- and Rhogam shot question

Do all pregnant women who are RH- get a rhogam shot?

My doctor hadn't said anything about it, and then today they said oh, you're A-, so you'll be getting your Rhogam shot today...unless you know your husband's blood type? We don't know it, so I got the shot. I was just a little confused. Why couldn't they just have asked my DH to get his blood type checked before 28 weeks? We would have gladly had it checked if we had known.

Its not really a big deal...I just felt weird getting the shot without knowing for sure if I needed it. But they said it doesn't hurt baby either way. Has anyone else had this happen?

So my 28 week appointment was kind of crappy. They took 6 giant vials of blood and then I got a shot in my azz. lol.Welcome to the third trimester!
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