Single Parents

Help with visits and med needs

Hi Ladies,

I'm so annoyed and I feel so bad for my dd I had to vent-

DD has severe GI issues and is on a strict gluten and dairy free diet.  The tiniest slip up (suck as cross contamination if her food is cooked in the same pan or toaster) causes her to be sick for days.  XH has not come to any of her dr or dietician appts and has not educated himself on her diet/needs.  He has not fed her since she started this diet in August.  He always returns her before mealtime as by choice he only takes her for about 1.5 hour visit.  

Yesterday he took her for a visit and took her to his parents house.  He decided he was hungry so  they'd stay for early dinner. Well of course there wasn't any safe food for dd to eat but that didn't stop them- they sat and ate a whole meal in front of her and offered her a cookie.  She came home so upset.  I felt awful for her.  Every night when I tuck her in we talk about the best part of the day. Last night she made sure to tell me that the worst part of her day was having to go to grandmas. :(  

It is not easy  for her to have such a limited diet. Plus, this was her visit- her "quality" time with her dad?  I didn't expect him to feed her dinner as she was coming home at 6, but I just think it is so rude to sit and eat food she can't have and have nothing to offer her.  I also know that many people are scared of her diet and her getting sick. I understand that, but then wait and eat after she leaves.  Don't exclude her :(

No wonder the poor kid doesn't like to go with him and cries every week.It's like torture!

Thanks for listening.  Just broke my heart and annoyed me with all I go through with her diet- (hours cooking, so much money on special foods, so many dr appointments, tests, time off work etc) and of course I do it all plus some because it is for my daughters health and well being.  

Kirsten DD 4-7-06
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