2nd Trimester

Quad Screen - on the fence

Ok ladies, I need some advice. I've been giving some serious thought to whether or not I should go through with this quad screen. I only have until Friday to decide and I'm really thinking I can't do it. My boss told me that, when she was pregnant, they told her she had a 99% chance of having a baby with Down Syndrome... the baby was perfectly fine and, as it turns out, they had just miscalculated her dates!!

Even my pregnancy book says this test has a high "false-positive" rate. Now, I know it's not a positive/negative kinda test but the book says that, of 50 women who test positive for high risk of chromosomal abnormalities, only 1-2 of them will ACTUALLY have a problem. I get stressed very easily and worry myself to death about every little thing. I already have high blood pressure and I'm afraid this test will make life unbearable. I feel like it's not worth the stress for the high inaccuracy rate. What do you think?

EDIT** Can't a lot of the abnormalities detected in the quad screen also be detected in 2 weeks at my ultrasound?

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