2nd Trimester

Sex drive... or lack thereof...

This is my first post (other than a couple of responses here and there) and it's really just what one could call a cry for shared experience. I'm 22 weeks along and I've found myself with absolutely ZERO sex drive. Every once in a while I'll feel like I might want/need some bedroom time with my husband but it quickly fades and I'm back to just wanting to sit together or cuddle up in bed. Before pregnancy, we had a pretty active sex life (sorry if this is TMI, but honestly... we're all adults here!). Since being pregnant I've felt terrible because I don't feel like I'm fulfilling my "wifely" duties. I want to be close and physical with my husband but I'm just... lacking any desire whatsoever.

So I guess what I'm looking for is maybe a few tips on how to possibly get my sex drive going a bit more... or just some sympathy lol.

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