3rd Trimester

My stepkids...

Are HILARIOUS!  They are 3 and 4 and haven't really realized that the baby is an actual person.  My belly is their baby brother.  :)  Lol.  We were in Walmart the other day and my stepson (4) randomly pats my belly and says "That's my baby brother in there."  I said yes it is and he decides to ask what color he's going to be.  Lol.  I guess kids that young don't know what determines things like that so it was really funny.  Also my stepdaughter (3) tells everybody that she has a baby crocodile in her belly, offers to let them pet it and reassures them that it won't bite them because it's nice.  Hahaha. 

 We were talking about something and I tried to explain that I was going to be the babies Mommy and was very quickly corrected by them both saying I was the Stepmom.  Lol.  I guess they'll catch on after they actually see him.  In the meantime they can keep me entertained.  :)

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