2nd Trimester

Feeling Fresh and Snarky

Well, let's just say I've boarded the hormone train today and no end in sight.... I have been feeling particularly fresh and snarky with everyone I've encountered to... first off I woke up sick- allergy related and was not in a fabulous mood upon entering the office... So I began my morning by trying to have a serious conversation with my boss and mid-sentance he turned and started walking away and I said, "Excuse me I wasn't finished talking to you yet, get back over here, that is so rude to walk away when someone is mid-sentance"... I think he was really too shocked to respond... then I went "off" on the woman behind the counter when ordering lunch.... They have hot tea on the menu and when I order it, she told me we do sell hot tea.. I was like then why is it on your menu?!?! How are you going to put something on your menu and not serve it what is wrong with you people... Told off the people at the dentist office... Who's next?!?! I am usually pretty even-keel but wow, today I have no patience... hopefully my hormones adjust before DH comes home....Anyone else have crazy hormones today?
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