2nd Trimester

5 day long headache

I need some advice.


Sometimes this headache seems almost manageable, other times I feel I'm going to throw up.  Right behind the eyes.  I have a desk job, so i spend a fair amount of time looking at the computer, however 3/5 days that I've had this headache, I wasn't at work.  Fresh air and everything, and still didn't feel better.  I can't be deydrated, not with how much water I've been consuming.  Tylenol only takes off maybe 10% of the pain, and I've only taken it twice this entire pregnancy (2 times in the past 5 days).  Not a drug fan if I can avoid it.  

Thoughts?  Suggestions?  Stories?  Have you had this?  Seeing OB in 8 days...but...that's a long time to wait.  I could call, but I'd hate to waste her time if I'm just missing something easy.  TIA my friends! 

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