2nd Trimester

Sister-in-law vent! Advice appreciated :)

Sorry, just need to vent a little! My sister-in-law moved into our 2nd bedroom last June when she transferred, and her job is much closer to our house. She has been paying rent since then. No complaints there, she always pays on time. The issue is that in September I found out that I was pregnant. We didn't tell anyone until Thanksgiving. It wasn't planned, and I was feeling very unprepared. 

 My husband doesn't want to kick her out because it isn't her fault and she has no where to go. At first I thought that was going to be fine, but now as we start accumulating stuff for the baby, I am starting to freak out! I'm not due until May, and so far we just have the crib and some boxes of hand me down clothes from my sisters. I am beginning to realize that after the baby shower, we are going to have stuff EVERYWHERE! Our house is not big enough for all of us! She is staying in what should be my baby's room. And to make it worse, my husband put the crib together for some reason the other day and now we have a crib in our dining room constantly reminding me of this fact. I feel like I'm going to be drowning in clutter! My husband seems to think everything will be fine. Am I overreacting? How can I make him see that he needs to tell her now that she needs to leave before the baby is born? If he tells her now, at least she will have time to think about saving money and finding a place of her own or with a roommate. 

 Any ideas? I don't like to discuss the issue with her because I feel like I'm just going to scream and make things worse. I leave dealing with her rent, etc. to him since it is his sister.  

 Ugh, I need a frosty! :) Thanks for letting me get that out. 

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