3rd Trimester

Quick MIL Vent

So to all those ppl out there who have wonderful in laws...I envy you.  I try so hard to get along with my MIL (FIL is a saint by the way...), yet she gets under my skin everytime....for example...

I registered for my shower that is coming up next month.  So she purchased the baby monitor for his grandma to give us at the shower.  Great!  Then for the next 2 weeks she proceeds, on MULTIPLE occasions, to tell me she hates the monitor, that she heard it shows other people's babies instead of your own, that she found other monitors that she likes better or that are more expensive and a better deal, etc., etc.  After every time, I nicely tell her, I like the one I registered for, but thank you.  Today, I go on my registry...SHE RETURNED IT.  Now I dont really care what she buys us or if she even buys anything...but why aggravate me to no end about it, then go return it.  Now I almost want to go out and buy the monitor so I can teach her a lesson...

Can you imagine how many other baby issues I deal with like this...so unnecessary.  Sorry, vent over.

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