3rd Trimester

What say you ladies, normal or not? TMI

I feel silly for posting this, because it's my 3rd baby, but this PG has been much much different from my last two...

So I had my 36 week appt last Friday, and she checked my cervix, I was just a fingertip dilated but it feels like the Dr. was doing more than just checking when she was down there.  No I didn't ask.

Shortly after I got home, I lost my MP (she was really digging around in there) Sorry TMI....

And I've been having to wear a panty liner ever since.  I've been having brown discharge and whenever I wipe the TP is always brown, like old blood.  It's not a huge amount, just enough that I need a panty liner to prevent staining.

My question is, does 'spotting' usually last this long after a cervix check?  DH and I haven't DTD or anything so the Dr.s hand is the only thing that's been in that area...

I don't ever recall this with my other 2.  I never lost my MP (that I remember) and I never spotted after cervix checks. 

Anyone else spot this long after a cervix check?  I'm not terribly worried, just curious.

TIA for any thoughts or suggestions.

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