Single Parents

Slight rant/Upset..

So I'm 22 weeks pregnant... And babies father and I have been going through a lot of things.. We're not together... He keeps saying he wants his son.. But wants nothing to do with me.. He has only been to two appointments that were general checkup.. Doesn't seem to care about the ultrasounds I bring to show him.. Doesn't seem interested in going to the drs appointments 2 1/2 hours away to keep an eye on baby for heart problems... But he wants his son... His father even had the nerve to call me last night after we had a big blow out to tell me not to come around and that I'm not wanted.. And that babies father would be responsible and pay his child support.. Which in turn I said I didn't want a dime of, nor if he were going to continue down the path he's been on do I want him to see Jaxon... I'm heartbroken... It hurts to not be wanted.. And I'm even more heartbroken that there might not be any chance for Jaxon to be raised by both of us..  I know I'm strong.. And I have every ability to do it on my own without depending on babies father... But its the idea... And now I have another long 2 1/2 hour drive to the doctor.. and 2 1/2 hours back... And still not a word since last night from babies father... :/ It seems like the rest of this pregnancy is gonna be long and an emotional struggle..
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