Upstate NY Babies


I wanted to thank you for the support you gave me when I was transitioning into a Mom of 2u2.  I've been meaning to write you on FB but it's hard to do from my phone!  Anyway, I just want you to know that I really appreciate you reaching out to me when I was having such a hard time.  It didn't go unnoticed even though it's taken me so long to say thank you again!  And I have to say, you were right, it has gotten easier.  I'm feeling great and truly couldn't be happier with my girls.  I really hope to be able to gtg with you SYR girls sometime this year!  Hopefully goosh and I can make it up there sometime once she gets settled in with her 2u2!

Also I was wondering about the c25k.  I am incredibly out of shape and am planning on doing this program.  Do you think it's good to jump right in to it or I was thinking about just walking to build up my stamina for a few weeks.  You look great and have given me motivation to get started!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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