2nd Trimester

Anyone else have a scary A/S

I posted yesterday on the July board about my awful A/S yesterday.

Basically they gave us a 1:4 chance of Downs and there is a brain abnormality that may be a separate problem, so it was awful.  The brain thing is not just another soft marker, it's an actual abnormality.  Everyone was really nice and we were able to meet with a genetic counselor right away. They were even able to do the amnio right away, but now we are stuck in wait and see mode. The FISH results come back tomorrow afternoon and I'm a nervous wreck.  I'm going to try to go to work today, hopefully that will take my mind off of things. I've read a lot of stories of scary anatomy scans where the babies came out just fine, but I'm so scared to get my hopes up.  I know if the baby does have DS it will be okay, and we'll deal with it, but it's still scary.

Anyone else have anything like this? How did you (or are you currently in the midst of) deal with it?

CuteFeet1 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Cloth diapering, exclusively pumping SAHM to baby girl M, born 6/27/2012 with T21.
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