3rd Trimester

Does your OBGYN work weekends? What happens if you go into labor on a weekend?

I happened to learn today that my OBGYN is on a rotating on-call schedule with the other OBs in their practice, and should I go into labor on a weekend when she is not on call, that I will be treated by the on-call OB.  I have no earthly idea how i failed to ask this question at my first visit, but i did.  Is this common ladies?  I will ask if she is on call the weekend prior to my due date, since I have GD and she said i may be induced early...perhaps she can induce me before the weekend?  Should I at least ask to meet the other doctors in case they deliver me?  My OB is highly desired and the Chief of Obstetrics at our hospital, which was a factor in selecting her.  The other OBs in her practice are men...just not sure how to feel about it all, and was curious if any of you ladies have had or know of a similar situation as this? (I plan to discuss all of this with her at next week's appointment).
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