3rd Trimester

Mixed Feelings... (DH Vent)

At 36 weeks pregnant, DH came home from work and informed me that he put his 2 week notice in. Normally I would have probably castorated him right then and there, but he seemed to maybe kinda sorta have a plan behind this one.

DH did not graduate high school. He started taking GED classes, but then quit because he was offered a job. The job was where he wanted to work, so he took it. He has been there around four years. He got promoted to a "lead" position, and got a $2 raise. That was awesome for awhile, but with DS2 on his way, DH inquired about a possible raise. The answer was "well, without a GED you're maxed on pay and in the highest position you're eligible to hold." ...Not good news. Well, that didn't settle well with DH, so he talked to some upper management and they *say* he will have a job to come back to when he has a GED.

The plan is to take a month to complete GED courses and get back to work. We have a little money saved for "occasions" like this, and income tax coming in soon, so I'm not quite so worried about the money but still...at 36 weeks pregnant, an unemployed husband is not really the best of news.

I'm really glad that he wants to better himself for his family, but the timing?? He's not stupid, he sold it to me like this, "well I figured what better time to do it then when you're home with the baby, that way I can help you out more."

*sigh* wish me luck...

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