2nd Trimester

poor dh (ranting)

Ever since he hired this one desk employee I just had a wierd feeling about her. Every time I've talked to her I've gotten a wierd vibe. The few times we've hung out things just didn't add up. She had all kinds of insane stories and seemed like wierd drama followed her everywhere. She had lots of family problems, health and legal.

I tried to warn him about her but I didn't really have anything negative to say. DH doesn't like it when I give him employee advice. His grandfather built the business, his mom owns it & is giving it to him so he runs it. So he likes to think he knows everything sometimes. I worked at my last job for just over 8 years and one of the things I did was train. People would be flown to me so I could train them to be management. They would then be in charge of hiring and maintaining their staff; so this is something I have experience with but whenever I offer to help him he just says "I can handle my own staff." He's had so many staffing problems in the last year it's ridiculous.

2 weeks ago she put in her notice 'cause she found a job that could pay her more money. Tonight she started texting DH these random crazy texts that he could appreciate her more and act like he's upset that she's quitting (he told her congrats on her new job because she made it sound like something she really wanted!) and tonight he told her she could have tomorrow night off 'cause she was saying she wanted to get some stuff done before she started working next week & had to work for us all weekend and wouldn't have the time. She then goes on to text him that she should just make tonight her last night. So now he's having to go back to work to finish her shift.

 I just told him "Maybe somethings going on at home that's making her kind of crazy tonight" and he said "yeah, but I can't have her working by herself if she's acting like this"

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