2nd Trimester

It's a boy!!! and...

I just went today for my anatomy scan and it's a BOY!!!  We are over the moon with excitement!  We got some great shots even though he was very active!  The anatomy scan went great... until the technician said the doctor wanted to do a vaginal ultrasound to check my placenta.  The doctor determined that I have marginal placenta previa.  He said only a tiny portion of the placenta is at the border of the cervix and he anticipates that it will move up as the uterus grows and won't cause a problem.  He said on a scale of 1 through 10, it is a 0.5 which made me feel better. But of course, I googled it and did research on it and it scares me a little bit.  Obviously, I am concerned.  I don't want this to complicate my pregnancy or put myself or my precious baby boy at risk.  I'm a little worried and scared. Does anyone have any experience with this ...and can give me some positive/encouraging words to calm my nerves a little bit?  
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