2nd Trimester

Not team green. Father is. Shoot.



DH and I will be finding out the sex of our baby on the 20 week appt.  After being back and forth about wanting to know, I finally decided on wanting to know, and DH agrees.  We are set on it!  However I told my dad this and once we find out, he does NOT want to know.  He wants it to be a surprise for HIM.  What the crap am I supposed to do with this.  Just avoid talking to him between 20-40 weeks?  Because I'm sure to let it slip 'she kicked' 'he's sitting on my bladdar!!' etc.  Anyone else in this situation or have some insight.  I'm not letting my emotions get the best of me because I could have put him in his place...I wanted to..but I didn't.  


TIA helpful bumpies! 

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